WARNING: This Product Contains Nicotine.
Nicotine is an addictive chemical.

BAD DRIP Labs - Farley's Gnarly Sauce ICED OUT 60mL

BAD DRIP Labs - Farley's Gnarly Sauce ICED OUT 60mL

BAD DRIP Labs - Farley's Gnarly Sauce ICED OUT 60mL

stiLL gNARLY as ever...iCED OUTTT wiTh menTHoL! Based oFF tHe reciPe oLder than BoB RosS’s painTbrush, we piLE-drived.

Available in a 60mL bottle in 0mg, 3mg, and 6mg nicotine levels.

  • Product Code: 14684
  • Availability: In Stock
Use our Quick Order System to place an order for all the Bad Drip Labs products.

In Stock Options

0mg   SKU: 14685
3mg   SKU: 14686
6mg   SKU: 14687

Tags: BAD DRIP Labs - Farley's Gnarly Sauce ICED OUT 60mL